编辑 Leutschenbach School / Christian Kerez
Selected Projects
编辑 The School on Islands Brygge / C.F. Møller
Selected Projects
编辑 HTL Bau und Design / ao-architekten
Selected Projects
编辑 Hangzhou International School (HIS) / line+ studio + gad
Selected Projects
编辑 Primary and Secondary School Leopold Kohr-Straße / Franz&Sue
Selected Projects
编辑 Sami Primary and Secondary School / Ola Roald Arkitektur/...
Selected Projects
编辑 Fernand and Nadia Léger High School / toa | architectes a...
Selected Projects
编辑 Santa Maria Educational, Sports and Cultural Complex / Ca...
Selected Projects
编辑 Xianlin School / Yanfei Architects
Selected Projects
编辑 Yongjiang Experimental School / DC Alliance
Selected Projects
编辑 603 Tennessee Apartments / Stanley Saitowitz | Natoma Arc...
Selected Projects
编辑 Gallery of Aldapeta María Ikastetxea School / IDOM - 2
编辑 Gallery of Qingyijiang Road Elementary School / TAO (Trac...
编辑 Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art / Tezzo Nishizawa Archit...
Selected Projects
编辑 Aldapeta María Ikastetxea School / IDOM
Selected Projects