编辑 A Thousand Plateaus Observatory / Emer-sys
Selected Projects
编辑 The Commons / Department of Architecture
Selected Projects
编辑 Roux Center for the Environment / CambridgeSeven
Selected Projects
编辑 Ørsted Gardens Apartments / Tegnestuen LOKAL
Selected Projects
编辑 Gallery of Axis Building / dhk Architects - 22
编辑 The Six / Brooks + Scarpa Architects
Selected Projects
编辑 Axis Building / dhk Architects
Selected Projects
编辑 Belaroïa Residential Building / Manuelle Gautrand Archite...
Selected Projects
编辑 Unité(s) Experimental Housing / Sophie Delhay architecture
Selected Projects
编辑 Boyana 49 House / I/O architects
Selected Projects
编辑 Kado Karim Apartment Complex / SZK UN PARTNERI
Selected Projects
编辑 Sun Rain Room / Tonkin Liu Architects
Selected Projects
编辑 Gallery of Terrace House yul-dam / modo architect office ...